A Civil War Could Happen in November

Roman_studio / shutterstock.com
Roman_studio / shutterstock.comWhether it’s Trump vs. Harris or Trump vs. some other Democrat, there’s no telling how the country will feel once the ballots are cast. Could we be dealing with another civil war? Take our quick poll: Can’t see the poll? Click HERE.

Economy Be Damned! Dems Push DEI Agenda at Federal Reserve

lucasImages / shutterstock.com
lucasImages / shutterstock.comWell, here we go again. The media is buzzing about an attempted assassination on Donald Trump and Joe Biden possibly dropping out of the presidential race. But no one seems to care about the real issue: who will appoint the next Federal Reserve Board Governors batch if the Democrats win again? Let’s face it: every […]

Scientists Play God by Bringing Back the Wooly Mammoth

shutterstock.comC’mon. Did scientists learn nothing from watching Jurassic Park? Playing with DNA is a bad idea. And yet, the Wooly Mammoth may make a comeback. Watch now:

Democrats’ Cash Flood After Kamala’s Campaign Launch: Can Money Buy Votes?

Isaac Hoops / shutterstock.com
Isaac Hoops / shutterstock.comActBlue, the Democrats’ fundraising machine, is back at it again, playing the money game. After Kamala Harris announced her run for President, they managed to rake in almost $50 million in hours. It’s astonishing how quickly people can be convinced to part with their cash. According to ActBlue, by 9 p.m. ET, grassroots supporters had […]

Liberal Chaos: Democrat Infighting Reaches Fever Pitch as Party Elites Turn Against Failing Biden

photosince / shutterstock.com
photosince / shutterstock.comHigh-ranking members of the Democratic Party are publicly calling for President Joe Biden to abandon his re-election ambitions following his disastrous performance during the debate against former President Donald J. Trump. The writing appears to be on the wall – even among those closest to the embattled president. Despite frantic attempts by Team Biden to […]

Divided Nation Be Damned: Biden Stays Unless Health Fails

photosince / shutterstock.com
photosince / shutterstock.comOh, here we go again! President Joe Biden just won’t quit. In an interview on Wednesday, he doubled down on staying in the presidential race unless doctors give him a medical red flag. Seriously, Biden, are you waiting for a doctor’s note to tell you it’s time to hang up the hat? Biden sat down […]

Will JD Vance Make a Good VP?

shutterstock.comTrump’s got himself a running mate – a former Marine as well as a freshman senator from Ohio – JD Vance. Did Trump choose his VP wisely? Take a quick poll now: Can’t see the poll? Click HERE.

Trump Welcomes Haley: A Positive Turn for Republican Unity

Andrew Cline / shutterstock.com
Andrew Cline / shutterstock.comAs the Republican convention kicks off this week in Milwaukee, the atmosphere is heavy with reflection. A few months ago, Democrats hoped to see former President Trump stumble onto the stage, weighed down by legal issues and low approval ratings. Instead, Trump stands tall, embodying a resilient spirit reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt, with a defiant […]

JD Vance: From Hillbilly to VP Pick?

Lev Radin / Shutterstock.com
Lev Radin / Shutterstock.comIn a shocking move, former President Donald Trump chose Senator JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate during this week’s Republican National Convention. This bold decision thrusts Vance further onto the national stage, solidifying his position among America’s rising stars within the Grand Old Party ranks. Who exactly is JD Vance? Born in Kentucky but […]

POLL: What Are Your Biggest Health Concerns?

Evgeny Atamanenko / shutterstock.com
Evgeny Atamanenko / shutterstock.comHealth should be a top priority. Do you have health concerns that keep you up at night? Take our poll now: Can’t see the poll? Click HERE.